Image Support
DocuUpload 1 image
DocuTo edit data, please login.
To each record of any table you can easily assign pictures. In this example its exactly 1 picuture. The picture library offers you the upload by dropzone and also the "delete" button to remove the image.
1 or multiple images can be added to a table. This is the setting in the datadefinition:
In the form you have to prepare an element
To integrate the image upload into the form, the form-wrapper is extended with an image container "pic_ph":
Upload multiple images
DocuTo your form or object you can easily assign multiple images. The picture library appends the following elements to your page:
- headline with delete button
- the dropzone upload area
- the image catalog, the pictures are sortable and selectable
- masterdata
- upload:{"enable":true}
the html structure look like this:
Each image container gets an "id" like this:
"ID" is the key of the corresponding table.
the ".js_rec_records" are bind to the plugin "sortable". After the drop event the ID-array is send to the server by ajax. The column "sort" of each record get the new position.
Display 1 image in catalog
DocuIn a catalog the first assigned image is displayed. Set the following in the datadefinition:
- masterdata.upload.enabled=true
The following colums are added to the recordset:
- image_ID
- image_file
- image_orientation
- image_aspectratio
- image_width
- image_height
- image_count
- image_array
- array with the columns above
You can use this columns as placeholder in your html.
the snippet (masterdata/k8references_1_image.html):
Display image with thumbnail list
DocuIn the big image container the first image is displayed. By a click on an image in the thumbnail list, it is displayed in the image container.
The thumbnail list is placed in an javascript loop element with the following columns:
- image_array[], used columns
- image_ID
- image_file
- image_orientation
- image_aspectratio
the snippet (masterdata/k8references_image_thumbnails.html):
to display the thumbnails by click in the picture frame: